boys in masks


I finished a project tonight.  Don’t get excited- it’s nothing you’ve heard of.  🙂  I started something 2 days ago that was supposed to be quick.  It would have been- in fact it would have been finished that same night, except that I changed patterns after being nearly complete.  Last night I didn’t get much of anything done, so tonight, once the kids were in bed, I finished it.

I’d love to show it to you, tell you about which pattern it is, etc…except I can’t.  It’s for my cousin’s daughter, to go with her gift for her 1st birthday.  The only problem is that my project doesn’t go with the gift I bought her, it goes with the gift my mom got her.  And I’m pretty sure my mom wants it to be a surprise, and I also seem to recall my cousin’s wife (I guess…now my cousin too) telling me that she reads this blog.  So I won’t show it to you, or tell you much about it, until after the party.


What?  You insist?  Fine.  Who am I to refuse you?

What? You didn’t think I’d give it all away, didja?

Ok, that was pretty lame.  I know.  I’m going to try and get Yannick to take those Featherweight photos so you can see the horror I tried to describe.  In the meantime, since I’m stuck without much blog fodder (unless you want to hear more about school, work, or how this coming Monday is going to be “take 2” for my hernia surgery), I’ll leave you with my very own Feathered crimeFighters.

(Decorating masks was part of the activity at a birthday party we went to this past weekend).

Author: Jennifer Lori

Punny dork who makes stuff.

2 thoughts on “boys in masks

  1. Love the masks! RJ has been very into playing dress up lately, although she is definitely doing more princess and ballerina themed costumes. She has me wear the feather mask and play the evil witch. 😉

    Can’t wait for the full project reveal!


  2. Love the boys in the masks!

    Can’t wait to see what you made for “your cousins’ 1 year old”. LOL.


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