one month


By one month, your baby…

…should be able to:

-lift head briefly when on stomach on a flat surface CHECK

-focus on a face CHECK

…will probably be able to:

-respond to a bell in some way, such as startling, crying, quieting DIDN’T CHECK


…may possibly be able to:

lift head 45 degrees when on stomach CHECK

-vocalize in ways other than crying (e.g. cooing) CHECK- he often sounds like he’s trying to talk!

-smile in response to your smile NOT SURE- we couldn’t be sure if it was a true smile, but he did copy us sticking our tongues out (one of the exercises post-frenectomy)

…may even be able to:

lift head 90 degrees when on stomach NOT THAT HIGH

-hold head steady when upright TEMPORARILY

-bring both hands together CHECK

-smile spontaneously NOT SURE


Henri’s first month was, as you can guess, trying and stressful.  But it was also a month of great joy, as we welcomed our second son into the family, and got to know his unique personality, and got to kiss his little face.  We were able to watch as his “normal” ear pointed itself to match his brother’s “Vulcan” ear.  We witnessed how Jakob always wants to kiss Henri, and how his little brother tends to stop crying when he’s around.  It was a hell of a month- and I would do it again in a minute.

Author: Jennifer Lori

Punny dork who makes stuff.

6 thoughts on “one month

  1. I’ll remember your positive thoughts when we go through month number 1 in June 🙂 Glad to hear he’s doing well and my gosh, is he adorable or what? 🙂 🙂 Congrats again!


  2. Such a handsome little guy! I’m glad you’re using the rocking chair for photos, again.


  3. What a cutie! The second month is sure to easier, right? 😉


  4. The ending said it all, Jenn. Way to go, you rock 🙂


  5. You’ll go thru it again!! Ok by me!!


  6. So cute when the boys get a long!!! Love the second close up pic of Henri!!!

    Can’t wait 4 Passover, our family is getting way too large ahah lol 🙂


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