Tagged- What’s in There?


I was tagged by Robyn, so here goes. I am at work though, so this is from memory, although IMHO my memory is pretty darn good. 🙂

What’s In your Fridge?
eggs, skim milk, butter, margarine, light mayo, diet soda, Brita water filter pitcher, baby onions, olives, pickles, 3 kinds of coffee, ketchup, jams, jellies, hot salsa, some kind of coffee-flavored syrup (like chocolate milk but for coffee- don’t ask me it’s Yannick’s), lettuce, some apples, mini fruit cups, mini applesauce cups, wet cat food, juice

What’s in your Closet?
my pants, skirts, dresses, sweat pants, sweat shirts, dressy shirts, button-down shirts, shoes, a fur coat, a bunch of belts, a bag with a bunch of smaller bags inside

What’s in your DVD Player?
Ooh..I don’t know. There are 5 or 6 spots but Yannick watches movies often without me. Knowing him, there are probably at least 2 seasons of Smallville in there!

What’s in your car?
2 books on CD, Sanitary Hand Wipes, a water bottle, gum, some CDs, my library books, an umbrella, my snow-scraper, a tool kit, a mug, some old mail, a yoga mat, my sunglasses

What’s in your purse?
my wallet, my keys, my cell, a knitting bag, some pens, some sugar-free breath savers and candies and gum, Advil Migraine, a “cheat-sheet” for my diet, my Palm, about 4 lip balms/ lip sticks, a flashlight, some “thank you” notes I’m writing for the engagement party, old receipts, my Lotto folder

I tag: Kadi, & anyone else who wants to participate.

Author: Jennifer Lori

Punny dork who makes stuff.

2 thoughts on “Tagged- What’s in There?

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  2. Thanks for tagging me! 🙂


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